Where do I begin!!!! The past few days have been filled with love, friendship, and CRAZY FUN!
To start off... Jeff had an Elder's Quorum activity we had to attend at the church. They did a pine wood derby.
There weren't many there, but our friends the Downs joined us, so that was nice. Jeff made a UPS truck, obviously the truck obeyed all traffic laws, so it didn't win, but that is ok. Thanks to Ryan he made Jeff's face and UPS logos for the truck. Good Times!

Then....Camry and I attended the latest of the Twilight Saga "New Moon". She had been anticipating this day for quite a few months. She was so excited, that it didn't matter what crappy stuff she went through during the week and day of, that she could hardly contain herself!
She kept saying "I don't care.... I get to see New Moon and no one is going to ruin it for me!" What optimism! We arrived at the theater 1 1/2 hours early to get in line.
Her BFF arrived about 1/2 hour early and met us inside. I must say it was worth every penny and time spent. Jacob was "HOT" of course, but I must say,
I am still an Edward fan. I think Camry was Team Jacob for this movie, but she will quickly switch at the next movie. Although, I did think her and McKenna were going to pass out when Jacob was in the rain and no shirt on! :-)

The next morning I woke up bright and early, yeah for me. I had 2 hair appointments to do. Jeff and I then had the opportunity to head down to the Jazz vs Pistons game. We went with Nichole and Ryan.
Thanks to Craig Parrish, we had 9th row seats. It was awesome! The Jazz played well and it even went into overtime! added bonus! We then drove home that night.
It was really nice spending that one on one time with Jeff. We talked all the way down and almost all the way home. We don't go on official dates often, so this was really nice.

The last event that happened was attending the David Archuleta Christmas Concert at Abravanal Hall! I decided a month ago when tickets went on sale to surprise Camry with an early Birthday Present!
So, I showed up at school an hour early before dismissal to check her out. She new something was up, because Jeff and I had asked her random questions the night before. When she got in the car I had some flowers and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY balloon waiting for her. She was like "Who's Birthday is it?" I said "Yours! I thought I would surprise you and kidnap you for the night!" She was so excited! I held off telling her where we going till we reached McCammon and I couldn't take it anymore so I gave her the ticket to the concert! She was so excited and so grateful!
My parents met us at Gateway, where we had a delicious dinenr at Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano! YUM!! Then just the girl's went to the concert!
David Archuleta was awesome! He is such a cute young man! Although, his bass player was pretty cute as well. Although, David can definately sing! Camry has now moved from Taylor Lautner to David Archuleta. I'm ok with that! Ha Ha LOL! She is so cute! I had some much fun with her! One thing we did was make up "Holy _word____" like, "Holy Cow!" or "Holy FundingPool", which was our favorite, thus the title of this blog. The word "Funding Pool" came off a sign in downtown Salt Lake! We laughed and talked it was AWESOME! I love her so much and am so grateful for every minute with her. Thank you Camry for a FANTASTIC EVENING! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY~!

HOLY FUNDINGPOOL! I look horrible in that picture of me and Kenna!! GROSS!! It hurts my eyes to look at it! :/ But i liked your post! :)
You know how to have fun! But Brandon and I are both wondering what you mean by the one-on-one time with Jeff. Don't you get that every other week?! I'm lucky to get one-on-one time with Brandon a couple times a year :)
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