So, what does Baseball and the Temple have in common? Well, to start with, it is two of Jeff's favorite places.
A couple of weeks ago on a Friday night, we headed up to Idaho Falls, where we spent the night with our friends the Downs at the Idaho Falls Chukars game. We ate Hot Dogs, Fries, Cotton Candy and Icecream. We had a great time, it was a beautiful evening and a perfect night to spend at the ball park.

The next day, we headed over to Twin Falls with the Youth from our ward. This was Jeff's last activity with the Youth, for those of you who don't 

know, he was recently released and put in as the first counselor in the Elders Quorum. He isn't to excited, because he loves the youth, but it will be good. We had a picnic at the Falls. We were there earlier this spring for softball, so it was fun to see them again, since the waterlevel had dropped. It was kind of a cool afternoon, but perfect for spending time in the outdoors. We then went over to the Twin Falls Temple to do Baptisms 

for the Dead. The Twin Falls Temple is fairly new, so it was a lot fun to be able to see it. Before our Youth did the baptisms, they had someone speak to them. He explained that at the Twin
Falls Temple, President Hinckley wanted the whole first floor for the Youth. It was really spectacular. The faunt was gorgeous! We were told it was built after the faunt in Nauvoo. It was oval and had entrances on both sides. I was really grateful to be able to take this trip not only with the youth, but also with Jeff and Camry. It brings such peace being inside the temple and knowing that I am blessed to have an eternal family!

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