After 4 months, ours softball season has come to end. It is a good and bad feeling all together. The good is, we might actually get to do something else, eat at home, and not have to be a the field. The bad, is we won't get to see Camry everyday, we won't see our friends as often, and I might actually have to cook.
Here is a brief re-cap of our last two tournaments.
July 9 -11th "Bat Wars" - Bear Lake
We headed back to Bear Lake. Fortunately this time it wasn't raining! Though, it was smoldering hot and somewhat uncomfortable at times, but all and all we were glad summer finally came! For some reason our team struggled in this tournament, I don't know if they weren't used to the heat, or if they were just exhausted. But out of 12 teams we ended up placing 6th? Jeff had
Thursday off, but not Friday, so he had to head home Thursday night, leaving me with Camry and another girl from the team. We didn't end up playing a game on
Friday until 6:00pm, which was a drag, but we headed over to Bear Lake, where one of the girl's grandparents owned some property and there was a gorgeous view of the lake and a beautiful pool. The girls were able to relax in the sun and I finally got to work on my tan. Saturday we ended up losing our first two games so, we headed home, stopping at "Dan's Delicous Drive In", which wasn't so delicous. Oh well!
July 24-25th - "Snake River Summer Slam" - Idaho Falls
NAMENT! This was the last tournament of the year. Our girls came out shining! They played awesome!!! WE COULDN'T HAVE BEEN MORE PROUD! Jeff once again had to work Friday, so I went by myself, which pretty much sucked! But I wouldn't have missed Camry playing for anything. Camry finally came out of her hitting slump, in fact she ended up hitting an in the park home run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a double shortly after! Camry
puts a lot of pressure on herself, she is a great athlete and tries her best, so it is hard to watch her when she get's so down on herself. But she is one tough kid! We played against one of our biggest rivals and she ended up getting hit in the ribs, by their biggest pitcher. I was proud of the way she handled herself as she ran down the base path, where Jeff met her. It knocked the wind out her, and other than a few tears, she was ready to play! She was bummed that she didn't get a bigger bruise to show for it, but she did have a nice "C" pattern from the stitches on the ball!
With Camry playing in two leagues and 7 tournaments, totalling over 70 games, softball has been our lives. However, despite my numb butt, and a few headaches, I wouldn't have traded my summer for anything else. There is nothing greater to me then watching and supporting Jeff and Camry! They are truly the love of my life!!!!
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