Despite some of the craziness, the past few weeks have been a lot of fun, so here is a recap!
For the first time in 10 years we opted out of going to the Dodge National Circuit Rodeo, it was kind of sad, to not continue on with this tradition, but for some reason the Holt Arena gives me horrible headaches (imagine that!). I think it is a combination of the dust and lights. Anyways, we did have fun going to Texas Roadhouse with Travis and Rachel Porter (Jeff's nephew). It was a lot of fun. We found out that they are expecting there first baby! CONGRATULATIONS Travis and Rachel!!!!
We also celebrated Easter. Not to exciting, since Camry is 13 and she was at her Mom's we only had time to give her her basket and get a quick photo!

Jeff and I also had the opportunity to attend a wonderful play at the Stephens Per
forming Arts Center with the McMinn's. It was the story of a woman who through her own doubt and mistakes she had made in her life, didn't believe that God could love her anymore, through the story it went through Christs life. The music was fabulous and though I am not a big fan of our local talent, I have to say that the actors and actresses had some amazing voices. If you ever here of this play being performed in your area, I would definatly take advantage of seeing it. I know we will. Thank you again to the McMinn's for inviting us!!!

On top of going to practices for Volleyball, our Softball Season is officially uderway! We had our
the city tryouts last week, and despite not getting some of the girls Jeff really wanted on his team, he is optimistic of the girls he did get. Games start next week, so the life at the park begins! We also had our first Tournament with the FLASH! We headed down to Kaysville, Utah, where we competed for two days. This was our first tournament, so we were a bit rusty and full of nerves, but the girls played hard and the Coaches stayed positive. Spring ball is a BLAST! The parents enjoyed watching the games in 30 - 40 degree temperatures with a continual down pour of rain, while the
girls ran around and played in the wet and cold. My even came and toughened it out! Thank you Dad for the SUPPORT and company! WE ALL LOVED IT! Who wouldn't though! Camry was AWESOME of course! She had some beautiful catches, while playing 2nd base, great hits - which has to be the new bat she got for her birthday, got hit by the ball twice, once on the side and once on the calf - same pitcher, and in my opinion had the best stretch while covering first. I wish I would have got it on tape, but I was
curled up in a blanket. By the time we got home she was very stiff and bruised up. And by Sunday at church her whole body ached. She is a tough kid! Despite the bruises and aches she loved every minute of it! Jeff also had a great time coaching! Him
and Rob had matching outfits and looked absolutely adorable!!! (ASA rules say the coaches needed to match the team and they did!) Jeff and Rob kept their cool, despite some of the stupid calls from the Umpires! Both wives were very pro
ud!!! You can tell they love it!
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