I decided to post this without all the pictures. So, maybe later I will get around to the pictures.
Every year I think that I will be prepared for December to hit! Unfortunately, another December has flown bye and I am still wandering if I will ever be able to have a relaxing December. But for now, here is a recap.
Camry's Basketball

Basketball finally got over the second week of December. Her team did really well. They ended up being the first seed. Had a bye the frist game and lost by 1 the next game. It was sad and a bit frustrating to watch. However, we were very proud of Camry and the dedication and drive she had during the season.
Camry's Birthday
Camry's birthday hit us on the 16th. She is now 14 years old. HOLY COW!!! I am not sure where the time went, but she is turning out to be a beautiful young woman! We decided to let her have a few friends over the Saturday before. All I can say is OH MY GOSH!!! teenage girls are CRAZY!! They had a lot of fun though! The next day, her and Jeff both had to speak in church. They did a FANTASTIC job. Camry wrote her talk by herself on prayer. She had many members of the congregation in tears. What an amazing testimony she has. I was so proud of her. We then had family and friends over for cake and ice cream. She is a spoiled kid, but she deals with it well. Ha Ha Ha!
Kayden's Birthday
The next weekend was Kayden Downs birthday. He is now 7. We mention the Downs in our blog often, as we consider them family. He had his birthday party at a rollerskating rink. Camry can't skate, so she convinced her Dad to hold her hand around the rink. So Cute!
Erickson Christmas Party
Next game the Erickson Christmas Party. It was just us, Doug's Family and Leahmae and Merv, but the memories and time spent was memorable! We had a wonderful meal of different types of soup and breadsticks. I was in charge of games. We played the candy bar game and a present game. The present game was a hit!!! and quite hilarious to watch. We then opened presents and read a book I had put together of memories of Leahmae and Merv from some of their grandchildren and children. (Thank you everyone who took the time to participate it turned out really nice.) What a great time it was hearing stories of two wonderful individuals. Thank you for the gifts Leahmae and Merv we love them!
We celebrated Christmas in Utah with my family. On our way, we stopped at Temple Square to see the lights. It was a great way to remember the night of our Saviors birth. Although it was quite chilly, we still enjoyed each others company and the beautiful lights. Christmas day was CRAZY!!! It started with presents, presents presents, food, food, food, more presents, more food, and more presents. It was wonderful to see my Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and Cousins. It had been a long time and it was amazing to see how our families have all grown.
New Years Eve
Since Jeff and I are huge party animals, NOT. We spent New Years Eve having dinner at Ruby Tuesdays, and watching AVATAR in 3D. We then went home and played Super Mario Bros on the Wii. But I did get my New Years Eve Kiss.
Sorry for the late post, but I am just barely getting caught up on life. I love you all.